What Do You Sell?

What do you sell? It’s a simple question and with all of us it will vary. Some people sell products, others sell services. Restauranteurs sell food, web designers sell websites, marketers sell marketing and so on. While all of the answers above are correct, they may be missing an important point. When it comes down to it, we all sell the same thing and that thing is trust.

If you own a restaurant, your clients have to trust you to prepare the food in a safe, clean environment and for the food to be delicious. If you sell cars, then the client must trust you to provide them a fair deal and sell them a car that is not a lemon. If you are a marketer then people must trust you to provide marketing that is going to help the visibility of their brand. If you are a construction company then clients must trust you to build a house that is up to code, sturdy and free of defects. I could provide more examples but I think you get the point. When it comes down to it, customer’s trust is the most important goal you should be working towards. No matter the business, if  a customer doesn’t trust you, then they aren’t going to do business with you.

The importance of trust to your business

No matter what your business, building the trust of your clients should be your number one concern. If you have clients who trust and believe in your brand it can greatly ease the pressure on your sales department. Imagine meeting a new client for the first time and they’re already sold on you before you’ve even started to sell. Think about how much easier that makes the job of your sales person.

A client who trust you is also less likely to be overly critical of your work. When you work in a design based field it is highly important to establish trust with your client. Doing so can make less headaches throughout the design process because the client trust your ability and knowledge of your subject.

If your business is mostly an online business then trust becomes even more important. In some, if not most cases, you may not ever see your customers face to face. Therefore trust plays an even bigger role. If your online presence doesn’t instill trust in them, they may not even fill out a form or give you a call, stopping you from ever getting the chance to try to sale to them.

Earning Your Customer’s Trust

Earning your customer’s trust should be the number one goal of all your marketing efforts and everything from your social media to your website should be set up in such a way as to build trust and help make a customer feel comfortable doing business with you. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to post a series of blogs that will define what you can do in every aspect of your business to help build the trust of your clients. These techniques will cover everything from social media messaging, website security, google reviews and more. Check back or drop me a line to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the new posts in your inbox!