IWP23 copy

Sorry it’s been a few weeks. As you can see from the portfolio it’s been hectic and the bad thing is that what you see in the portfolio is nothing but the tip of the iceberg.

In any case I’ve noticed for a while now that the world seems to be getting more and more cynical. The negativity has almost become the norm, to the point that people don’t seem to want to hear good news or don’t believe it if they do. But every once in a while something happens that shows a glimmer of hope. A few weeks ago my sister in law was in line at a fast food establishment. When she got up to the window she was informed that the person in front of her had paid for her food in addition to the food that the person had ordered. The person didn’t wait for her to say thank you but instead left word to “pay it forward”. I think that’s awesome and a good philosophy to live by. I know the cliche goes ” changing the world starts with changing yourself ” but it’s true.

So I challenge each of you to soften the edges a little bit. If you have, help those who need. If you need, don’t be too proud to accept help from those who can. Have compassion for your fellow human being. Don’t be so quick to judge the situation that people are in. Instead do what you can, when you can. You see none of us may be able to change the world but if we change and others see the example we’re putting forth, then they will be more likely to change. So let’s resolve to change ourselves from the way we think of and treat ourselves to the way we think of and treat others. I would love to see the results of a world where that type of positivity went viral instead of the garbage that has led us to our current reality. If you agree pass it on. Take care till next time!

