Does My Small Business Need a Website?

Does My Small Business Need a Website?

Does My Small Business Need a Website? An Answer To A Surprisingly Common Question So it probably won’t surprise you but I talk to a lot of people about websites. That’s not a normal topic for conversation for most people. However, when you’ve spent the last decade...
Why Regular Maintenance is Important For Your Website

Why Regular Maintenance is Important For Your Website

Why Regular Maintenance is Important For Your Website In our everyday life we’re taught to always keep up our maintenance for the things that are important in our daily lives. Oil changes, visits to the doctor and dentist are all parts of the maintenance we do to keep...

Growing Your Business With Online Content

Growing Your Business With Online Content As we’ve touched on before, building trust with customers should be the top priority of any company, but especially when it comes to a companies digital presence. Audiences and visitors are the most informed they’ve ever been...

Using Content to Build Customer Trust

Using Content to Build Customer Trust So last time we touched on starting to build customer trust and spoke about the importance of website security and protecting your customer’s data. If you missed it, you can check out that blog here. This week I wanted to talk...

Google’s SSL Update And How It Affects Your Website

Google’s SSL Update And How It Affects Your Website For years Google has been trying to advocate for a more secure web. They have encouraged site owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS in order to provide a safer, more secure experience for website visitors. In the...

What Do You Sell?

What Do You Sell? What do you sell? It’s a simple question and with all of us it will vary. Some people sell products, others sell services. Restauranteurs sell food, web designers sell websites, marketers sell marketing and so on. While all of the answers above are...